Future-Proofing Your Packing and Palletizing operations for Long Term

Say goodbye to monotonous, time-consuming, and exhausting packing duties! Collaborative robots (cobots) have emerged as the appropriate solution for automating packaging and palletizing tasks. Cobots are the ideal companions for human employees due to their ability to tackle high-demand and never-ending chores.

Say goodbye to monotonous, time-consuming, and exhausting packing duties! Collaborative robots (cobots) have emerged as the appropriate solution for automating packaging and palletizing tasks. Cobots are the ideal companions for human employees due to their ability to tackle high-demand and never-ending chores.

However, while making any technology investment, it is critical to assure its long-term value. The last thing you want is to invest in the latest cobot only to realize that it quickly becomes obsolete or fails to match your changing packing demands.

By selecting collaborative robot, you can enhance your business. 

To future-proof your operations, pay careful thought to picking the proper cobot that can withstand the test of time and adapt to changing needs.

Prioritize Agility:

When it comes to building a packing cobot system, choosing agility over robustness is the key to guaranteeing its long-term success. It is critical to understand the difference between these two terms:

Agility: A cobot system that is nimble is highly adaptable to unforeseen changes. It is simple to update, relocate, and modify to match the changing needs of the task at hand.

Robustness: A robust cobot system, on the other hand, is built to manage planned changes successfully. It is equipped with modern sensors, fixtures, and programming to manage a variety of products without the need for periodic reprogramming.

While cobots can be used with either of these ways, adopting agility provides a more future-proof option for your packing cell. Instead of focusing primarily on present packing requirements during the design phase of the robot cell, constantly consider prospective changes in your products and packing requirements in the long term.

Choose end-of-arm tooling

The end effector plays a key role in increasing productivity of your operations. Choosing a he right robot end effector from the beginning is an important task. Making the right choice makes your operations look easy and quick.

Robot grippers:

  • Fingered grippers are extremely versatile, although they can only hold one object at a time (or two with a dual gripper). If your packing operation requires a larger throughput, using fingered grippers alone may be inefficient.
  • Vacuum grippers are the tried-and-true solution for packing and palletizing chores, and for good reason. Their capacity to pick up many objects at the same time and at a faster rate than other fingered grippers makes them extremely useful in handling high throughput.